Red Team Alliance

Certification Exam: Covert Entry Associate

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The Red Team Alliance Covert Entry Associate certification is the first tier of achievement within the Red Team Certification Group.  The certification is administered in two parts:

* Knowledge Test  (administered by means of an online testing portal)
* Practical Skills Test  (administered as a series of hands-on challenges)

The Covert Entry Associate exam is primarily attempted by participants at a location of their choosing. They must be prepared to properly document their progress by means of unbroken, unedited video footage that shows them opening the tamper-resistant package sent to their location and proceeding through all of the challenges contained within during the time allotted.  An instructional video showing the practical hands-on exam process and what you can expect is available to view here.

The written test costs $250 and the practical skills portion of the exam costs $450.  Re-tests are possible of either of these two exam sections with an additional fee and possible waiting period depending on circumstances.   Discounts are available to candidates if they are attempting the exam process in conjunction with some of our offered training courses.

Students who have participated in our Covert Methods of Entry program should be well-equipped for just about everything on the exams, which cover mostly mechanical locks but also touch on the electronic elements and other related materials which do have modules in our Covert Methods of Entry class.  Of course, students who have taken our PACS/RFID course are going to have those details more reinforced in their minds, too.  These classes are not mandatory, however, and many who work in these fields may find it possible to attempt the certification based on their experience and work history.

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